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ENTER THE CAVE is my first game written in my custom C++ engine: Paperwait
This began as a 2nd year university project where I had to design and programme my own custom game engine written in C++ then make a game using it. Future plans for the engine are to do some work on making it a little more versatile and continuously add more features to justify making it open-source and usable by other game developers. Though versatility was in mind from the start of the project, there was a lot of corners I had to cut to hard code specific solution to problems specific to my game I was working on alongside the engine.
ENTER THE CAVE itself is a procedurally generated, 2D platformer/runner style game where the player can manipulate gravity to avoid falling into obstacles. The aim is to see how far you can get and how many coins you can collect along the way. Can far will you get?
Engine Features: